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Frank A. Jones
Frank A. Jones
Manager, Business Development

Airplane Engines

PBS AEROSPACE's production division specializes in the manufacture and development of aircraft turbojet, turboprop, and turboshaft engines. The company focuses on producing smaller turbine engines primarily used in UAVs, as well as experimental and smaller aircraft and helicopters. PBS engines are highly versatile and can be applied across these categories. Their lightweight design and exceptional power-to-weight ratio position PBS engines are among the global leaders in their field. PBS AEROSPACE Inc. (US) is the supplier of these engines in the USA.


The PBS TP100 is a turboprop engine widely used in UAVs and small aircrafts, making it ideal for rescue services, police operations, military reconnaissance, and agricultural applications. It is also suitable for military uses and Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) of UAVs. Key advantages include its lightweight design, 241 HP (180 kW) thrust, and the ability to reach flight levels up to 29,500 ft (9,000 m) with a maximum starting altitude of 19,700 ft (6,000 m). The engine can be installed in either pusher or tractor mode for versatile applications.

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The PBS TS100 is a turboshaft engine initially developed alongside modern helicopter technology. Its compact size and lightweight construction make it an ideal choice for smaller, lighter helicopters and varios UAVs. Its key advantages include compact installation dimensions, low weight, and high static performance of 241 HP (180 kW). The engine can achieve flight levels of up to 29,500 ft (9,000 m) and a maximum starting altitude of 19,700 ft (6,000 m).

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