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Frank A. Jones
Frank A. Jones
Manager, Business Development

PBS will attend HAI HELI-EXPO 2019


HELI-EXPO is one of the largest fairs for helicopters and unmanned systems industry and this year, it is held in PBS Aerospace's hometown, Atlanta from March 4 to 7. We are pleased to announce we will attend this great event.

HAI HELI-EXPO is where the global helicopter industry gathers to build professionals, networks, and solutions. More than 18,000 industry leaders and professionals from more than 60 countries are expected to attend HELI-EXPO 2019. The exhibit hall will showcase more than 700 cutting-edge companies from around the world, representing more than 20 industries. Plus, there will be more than 600 educational sessions, including a presentation.

PBS is specialized in production of Auxiliary Power Units and Environmental Control Systems for helicopters in defense industry and civilian sector. APUs serve as a source of electrical power before the main aircraft engines begin to run, while ECSs are designed to maintain a comfortable thermal environment in the helicopters. They are manufactured according to specific requirements of our customers. There are currently few thousand of helicopters with our units flying around the world.

This year we will attend this fair for the very first time and we believe that anyone who attends this fair will definitely have their expectation fullfilled. HELI-EXPO gives the opportunity for PBS Aeropsace to get in touch with our current and future partners. If you attend HELI-EXPO this year and are interested in our products, make sure to reach out to us. Visit our Product page to learn more about newest products and contact our Sales manager, in case you have any further questions or would like to arrange a meeting with our team members at HELI-EXPO. We've been going through changes with the company and would love to share the changes with you.

We are looking forward to seeing you there starting March 4th, in Atlanta, GA.


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