Read the interview and learn more about our business development manager Frank A. Jones, his experience in PBS AEROSPACE and passion for Harley Davidson motorcycles.
What would your friends say about you
Loyal, dependable, trustworthy and funny.
Your role model
My Grandfather and John Wayne.
Main tasks and goals in PBS AEROSPACE
I have Business Development (sales) responsibility for PBS Aerospace. The main task and goal for PBS Aerospace is the activation of an assembly and test facility in the USA.
The best about PBS AEROSPACE so far
The products and the markets PBS products operate within. It’s exciting to be standing up an assembly and test facility in the USA to provide engines /
ECS systems to the US Department of Defense. I have also enjoyed meeting the PBS Group Team and the PBS Velka Bites Team. Everyone is very professional and knowledgeable in their fields.
Favorite PBS AEROSPACE product and why
TJ100 Turbojet Engine because it is very versatile and offers a model with a 300 hour TBO. This extended TBO allows US Civil Aviators to fly the engine on Experimental Aircraft. I get to interact with the aircraft builders and assist in the development of their aircraft. PBS Engines are well respected for their dependability and performance.
Biggest achievement in your career
The complete construction / site activation of the United States Navy overhaul facility in Jacksonville, Florida.
Favorite waste of time
Watching TV
Harley Davidson passion
I am on my 14
th Harley Davidson. I lost count of all the other motorcycles I have owned. In 2016 I purchased a new Harley Davidson FLHTK Ultra Limited Touring Bike. My wife likes to ride on the back. When the weather is nice we try to ride as much as possible. My hope is to one day tour Europe on a Harley Davidson Touring Bike.
Ever wanted to be a pilot
I have been involved in aviation since I was 14 years old. I have flown my friends father’s North American B-25 Mitchell Bomber, an F-15 (from the back seat) and countless civil aircraft. I have over 150 combined hours flying combat missions in the United States Air Force and United States Navy F-15, F-16 and F/A-18 full motion simulators. I did all of this without a pilot’s license. I thought about finishing my pilots license but never found the need. I would rather ride the road on my motorcycle.
Most treasured memory
The birth of my Son, Daughter and Grandson
Favorite book and movie
I don’t really have one favorite Book or Movie but the type of books I like to read are anything spy thriller. Types of Movies I like are anything Science Fiction.
The thing you’re most proud of
My time in the United States Air Force.
Favorite place
I have been all over the world several times. I always tell my friends that if I get kicked out of the United States, I would live in Singapore. I lived there for 6 months assisting the Singapore Defense Ministry in standing up their overhaul facility. I enjoyed everything about Singapore except the flight to get there. 23.5 hours in total travel time.